Mental Health Awareness

May is mental health month.  Lets break the stigma.   Perhaps you have experienced mental illness — or maybe someone close to you has been affected.  It is time to stand together to increase awareness and education so that everyone knows this:  No o…

May is mental health month. Lets break the stigma.

Perhaps you have experienced mental illness — or maybe someone close to you has been affected.

It is time to stand together to increase awareness and education so that everyone knows this:

No one is alone. Help for mental illness is available.

Remember: •Be Kind to Your Mind•

Tips to cope with stress during COVID-19:

1. PAUSE- Breathe. Notice how you feel

2. TAKE BREAKS - from COVID-19 content

3. MAKE TIME - to sleep and exercise

4. REACH OUT - and stay connected

5. SEEK HELP - if overwhelmed or unsafe

• For more information and/or help: Dial 211 or, , , , , ,

Ly Nguyen